Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Day 21

After Twin Falls, we drove on to Boise to spend the rest of the weekend with James' family.  Here are a few pics I got of my other Nephews! They are so darn cute!

Mr. Carter boy

Lil' Baby Bry Guy

Day 20

On this day, we drove to Twin Falls to look at apartments, and here are a few photos of the gorge and bridge that you pass over into the town...

Kinda excited to move here!

Day 19

Yup you better believe I'm a few days behind!  I took just a picture of the tree-line at our local park...

nothin special!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Day 18

This was a LLLOOONNNNGGG day.  Not gonna lie, that last thing I wanted to do when I got home was to be awake, let alone take a picture.  So I went for the obvious and took one of my favorite subjects...JAMES!

Intent on his internet browsing 

He said the flash was too bright

Day 17

What can I say?  Another work day...and another forgotten picture until the last moment of course.  But I thought it would be cool to get a night shot of the huge tree in front of our apartment.  I really love the green and black contrast

There is a little speck of red, it's a star...

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Day 16

Today we went down to Idaho Falls because James' sister and little brother from Boise, and his Grandma came down to stay at Staci's house for a few days.  We spent FHE down at the dunes in Idaho Falls and then had smores.  I didn't get a picture of the smores but I did get some from the dunes...

Nate going for a jump

Parks and James waiting for their turn

The siblings running for it!

Staci posin'

Gotta love his modeling poses 

Day 15

Today {Sunday} we went to church of course.  We ran into some friends of ours that live in our complex {the Sant's} and they asked if we could be the "models" for some pictures for their digital imaging class.  Of course I should've brought my camera to get a few shots, but...I didn' after we were done with the pictures, they were coming over to watch a movie so I had to get a pic of James taking out the trash...riding the skate board...

Before take off...

We have lift off...